If you're familiar with flex, this is similar to setting Flex bases of the items to zero and flex grow to 1 the FR unit helps occupy the remaining space in the grid.

If we change the last value to 50% The last column will first be assigned 50% of the total width and then the remaining space will be divided into two equal parts.

Logo Design

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Magnam recusandae.

Graphic Design

Corporis quaerat saepe iste id cupiditate perferendis fugiat sapiente natus totam?


Adipisci sequi sed velit deserunt asperiores, corporis quaerat saepe iste id.


Id cupiditate perferendis fugiat sapiente natus totam? Rerum, libero mollitia?

Video Editing

Corporis quaerat saepe iste id cupiditate perferendis fugiat sapiente natus totam?

Web Design

Adipisci sequi sed velit deserunt asperiores, corporis quaerat saepe iste id.